Monday, December 25, 2006


I was planing on not writing for a couple of days but I really have to tell you guys about my Christmas Eve. Around seven o'clock when I got back to my hostel I heard music from the bar. I went to see what's happening and to my surprise there was a band playing and people singing in stupid Christmas costumes. Kids were running around, people were eating, drinking and dancing. Everything, including the Buddhist altar was decorated with neo lights and all kinds of other Christmas shit.

There was maybe 15 of us, who were guest at the hostel. Rest of the maybe hundred people there t were the people working there, their families and friends. There was a Santa Claus and he was dirty dancing with a Japanese tourist. Maybe it was the traditional Khmer herbs but, damn that was fun!

After a while I was convinced that I need a hamburger. Yesterday it seamed like a really funny idea (many things did) to eat a hamburger on Christmas eve. Well, after that and a few beers I was ready for bed. I think this was around ten o'clock or something. I think the party went on for several hours.


Anonymous said...

Hyvää joulua 2007AD 'n organized konfusion!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mirja ! Way too late - i know -But Merry X-mas. Your's sounds like great fun. Mine got er bit wet :) Hope you are doing better.. Hugs

Muriel said...

Merry happy xmas to you too, Stine. Say hello to Hanne too... Was Bangkok as bad as you thought? Get some fruit shakes as well, not just alcohol, girls!

Muriel said...

Ja Ilkalle hyvia pyhia ja.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

Mirjalle vielä piparin tuoksuisia suukkoja! Taka care! <3