Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hi! I'm a enviroment friendly napkin

Sometimes I wish the whole world would be like a coffee house. You know, maybe not Starbucks, but like that. Color harmony, nice backround music, smell of coffee, stylish pictures on the wall and all that. Your biggest problem is choosing between a latte and frappucino. Your paying ridiculous prices of course but you don't care 'cause you know your also paying for the nice staff, magazines, nices couches and armchairs and clean toilets. They are the same everywhere in the world, only with charming local influences like in Finland rye bread, not drunken idiots. Maybe there are black and white photos of local old people on the walls or perhaps paintings from a young artist.

You feel like the world is a good and juste place, you read a pamphlet that tells you that the farmers get enough money for the coffee beans. A sign politely asks you to use as little as possible of plastic spoons. The napkins have a message.

However, the actual beauty of these kind of places lies in the fact that they are havens. After an hour or two in one you feel more armed to deal with hars world. Fortunatly today, I didn't even have to do that. After a cappucino and a tomato wrap I started my small excursion to Hong Kong. Loved it. Much more humane than I thought. Plus, if you look it down from the Peak, (a hill there) you notice that a huge part of the Hong Kong island is green. Very green, it's like jungle.

Yesterday wasn't bad either. Walking around in Macao which is a weird place but I like it. Makes me miss China and Europe. And of course, I'm visiting Olli, a good friend from back home. He shares apparment with a central location and a nice room mate. No complains.


Anonymous said...

Heei! Mä en tienny et sä meet näkee ollia! Sano paljon terveisiä jos ehdit.
Räntää sataa ja huomen aamuvuoro, mut ollaan ostettu lipun Berliiniin 18.-23.4. Piukan, Lotan ja Raipen kaa. Jee, jee, Jerry Cotton!


Anna V. said...

Heei myös minun puolestani. Räntää tosiaan sataa mutta valo lisääntyy. Me ei olla ostettu lippuja mihinkään, Olli haaveilee kolmesta kuukaudesta tropiikissa ja mulle riittäis edes viikon varaslähtö jonnekin Tunisiaan (=lämpimään) mutta sen sijaan ostettiin lastenvaunut. Ne ei mahdu meille sisälle. Siis hissin ovesta. Kun sen huomasin tuli ensi kertaa sellanen olo, että olen hypännyt liian suuriin saappaisiin. Tähän ei ole ratkaisua, koska se olisi tapahtunut kerran jollekin kaverinkaverille, joka teki seuraavasti...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mirja, just read a bit of your blog; looks great and your writing is very funny!! I'm home already as you know and so far so good actually; haven't done much but eating Dutch food and relaxing with friends & family! Have to start finding a job soon though.. Enjoy the last part of your trip!! Was really nice meeting you, stay in touch, greetings Ilse