Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wannabe a nerd

It's my first day by myself in almost a month. I decided to kill time on the world wide web and get myself to this millennium. I was told that means getting a MySpace-page. So I got one.

I sort of had one but there was nothing on it. So I took a funky picture of myself from this blog and wrote some try-to-be-funny-without-trying -profile things. Then I noticed that all the URL names that I wanted were taken. I decided to keep up with the theme and typed 'huolimaton'. Then I had to click 'OK' twice and I was gravely warned that I could NEVER change this name. Okay. So be it.

I refused to but my real name there so that people could find my page with it. It's against my net-principles. (What?) But so were pictures a while ago. They are coming up with a program that can search people from the Web with just one photo. Creepy.

Then I looked at what I done and felt empty. I had no idea what do with it. I guess you should invite people or something. If you know, please tell me.

Love, Careless girl from Thailand


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

Satun tuntemaan henkilot jotka pitavat sivuja ja kunhan laitoin listaan. Muuta en osaa sivusta sanoa..
Millon palaat suomeen? Satuttasko olemaan seuraavalla kerralla jo samaanaikaan maisemissa? Ma menen kaymaan seuraavan kerran puolessa valissa maaliskuuta.
Voi hyvin! Pus.

Terveisin, ahdistunut opiskelija yliopiston kirjastosta.

Anonymous said...

voi ko ollaan niin lahella ja niin kaukana. kamppulasta ollaan tykatty kovasti, nyt yhyy vietnamiin josta jengilla aika ristiriitaisia mielipiteita. no luultavasti huristellaan nopiasti lapi ja keskitytaan laosiin. thaikkuihin ei nailla nakymin jaa aikaa juuri lainkaan. no well, se mesta on mita on, ju nou. aivan loistavaa etta nahdaan ihan pian! tee vee from ping pong