Sunday, January 21, 2007


The israeli
School kids in Honsa
Thailand on the other side of the river.
Voi Mandi, aivan mieletonta. Ihanaa! Mahtavaa, etta kaikki meni lopulta kuitenkin hyvin... Voimia! Kiitos kun jaksoit ilmoittaa.

Man, I can't believe it! My friend just had a baby! Another thing to look forward for when I get home! It's gonna be great.

All that still seems a bit distant now. I'm leaving Laos, my favourite country so far and going to northern Thailand. I'm still traveling with the lovely Carina. We got kind of stuck in Luang Prapang for six days or so but we kind of did stuff too. Like kayaking which was cool and, most importantly, still falls into the "can be done in flip flops*" -activity category.

Then, couple of days in Hongsa with the resident Israeli. And no, there is no elephant center there. They work in the jungle. However, it's easy enough to organize a ride and it's definitely a nice sleepy little Lao village.

I'm sad about leaving, especially ' cause I'm already regretting not doing the Gibbon experience (Google!) and not going to the Bolaven plateau down south. That's where the good coffee is from). But hey, now I have a reason to come back. Sweet.

*Flip flops. A funny anecdote about them. A couple of days ago I was a proud owner of, not one, but two pairs of them. Some how, I lost them both in a couple of days. For me thoug, that's just a good reason for buying new ones. I went for the classic black rubber.

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