Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Familiar feeling

I can't believe it. Yesterday I was actually glorifying hang over. That must be good enough proof that I don't drink as much as home. It's funny. My friends back home would not believe how little I drink here and the friends I've met while traveling could not believe how much I used to drink back home.

Yesterday me and Carina were celebrating our last night together, at least for now. We were in one of the coolest bars in South east Asia, got to smoke shiisha and I ended up eating a fried maggot and Carina stole bananas. All in all, very funny and confusing.

Anyways. I'm in Chiang Mai at the moment. It's a cool city with a huge night market but so far, I would give our last stop, Chiang Rai even a higher grade. Funny town with the best tourist infrastructure I've ever seen but the place seems to be doing just fine without us too. Only the extremely scary dogs were the downside. They obviously target on tourists.

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